Teresa Wilkinson

Yes, Therapists are just people. I try and use my skills to hold myself kindly and gently at these times and hope to role model to my clients that it is also okay for you to have bad hair days too.

Lisa Moore

I am growing in my silvers so it is not so much as a “bad hair” day as an exciting adventure to see what finally emerges (most of the time).

Carlyn Chen

Absolutely! We are all human, and the older I get, the more I am able to embrace the complexity of life and accept being perfectly imperfect. Also, as a parent, there is no escape from bad hair days,...

Johanna Waugh

I think every one has a bad hair day, every once in a while. I wouldn't be normal if I didn't go through one of those days.

Vivian Baruch

Of course. I'm human. That's where I'm given more of an opportunity to practice what I'm teaching.

Tania Djipalo

Yes I do, but I longer have to be perfect to show up to life. I can also tend to my fragile parts and make sure I ring a friend or be extra kind and loving with myself and show up to life.

Donald Marmara

Yes - whilst I dislike bad hair days, they give me the opportunity to reflect on the part I play in creating these, and enable me to get to know myself better.

Karen Potter

I feel incredibly fortunate and grateful to be doing something I love completely and to have a very balanced work-private life.

Reed Everingham

Yes, both literally and metaphorically! Like everyone else, I am broken yet beautiful. I strive to stay authentic, feel my emotions, and lead a life with meaning. However, life can be unpredictable,...

Tamara Pallos

Always! I have never been someone who devotes much time to hairstyling, and this usually shows :).

Michele Stewart

Every one has a bad hair day! I know this is also part of the greater scheme of things. I know how to look after myself with supervision, professional development and self care.

Heide McConkey

I am a human

Helen Basili

Of course! Like most other humans on the planet, I experience the full spectrum of emotions and some are more enjoyable than others.

Heather Cavill Greer

Of course - I learn more from these experiences than the easy ones!

Nigel Bailey

Definitely. I have more than my fair share of bad everything days.

Petroula Quinn

Yes, I am human first and foremost, I have my own strengths and weaknesses. We are all learning and growing.

Jim Filshie

I have fewer and fewer bad hair days as I get older (and my hairline recedes). Or is it that every day becomes a bad hair day, meaning that none of them are? What a conundrum...

Ron Dowd

They're more like 'bad hair' moments, but yes. I'm not 'perfect', never will be, and I'm fine with that. 'Bad hair' moments are the triggers that remind me what's important - and how I can gently...

Kathleen Goossens

Yes, learning to be kind to myself and knowing that ‘this too will pass’

Martina Palombi

Of course! All the time! I am human like everyone else. I do not see myself as necessarily more advanced than my clients. I see therapy as a person to person, human to human process. I am still...

Vassilka Dimitrova-Isbell

Yes, often, but I also have 'good hair' days. I appreciate and enjoy both states of my hair.

Uri Bookman

Like everyone, I have days that don't go well. Sometimes, I wake up feeling sad, frightened or lost. In the past, I would try to push those feelings away, hoping that I would just feel happy again....

Karen Druce

Like most people, I certainly do have bad hair days. I see such days as a timely reminder that I am all too human. The good thing about bad hair days is that they tend to throw the good hair days...

Carolyn Zantis

Oh yes!! And if I'm following my process and realise I need to pull back and be quiet, or go within, I make that happen.

Kate McMaugh

Absolutely. I usually straighten my hair but when it is rainy the messy curls escape. This can shock the clients who think I genuinely have straight, smooth hair.

Tom Skotidas

I do when my hair has grown too long. However I try to avoid that by cutting my hair short every 30 days. Sometimes I miss that train.

Nicole Kinnaird

Yes of course! I can get as moody and grumpy as anyone. I get tired and sooky and forget I have many wonderful tools and supports around me. It all passes, even though sometimes it's hard to remember...

Suzanne Rosenberg


Amanda Dounis

Let me just say this....when I am with a client, or clients /groups /families, I am entirely WITH them for the duration of the session regardless of my h.a.i.r. I learned that I compartmentalise...

Rachael Carter

Yes of course! The saying two steps forward and one step back definitely rings true in my world. As things shift, particularly inside, stuck patterns release and there can be stronger sensations and...

Natalie Meijer

Yes dont we all - don't they say that 9 out of 10 times life does not go as expected. I do try to smile though no matter what sort of day it seems to be - this too shall pass

Christopher Seager

Good question! It is very important for me to remain as emotionally regulated as possible when seeing clients. If I am not present and attuned to the client then this negatively affects the therapy. I...

Carolyn Choy

Of course! It's the love and support of family and good friends that gets me through them.

Ernst Meyer

Of course I do, but I hope it doesn't show.

Michelle Lam

Yes I do. What helps me most is remembering to be kind and gentle to myself. This may involve practicing mindfulness, looking after myself better (such as exercising and sleeping more, healthy eating)...

Lisa Champion

Of course! I have days when I have lots on my mind or deadlines to keep or family matters to attend to - all of which can make me feel a bit unsettled. But, when I feel those things, I work to centre...

Sara Beresford Terry

Of course I do! Doesn't everyone? I like to think I have more ability these days to ride-out difficult events, to dig deep into my bag of 'Resilience' and know 'things will get better'. I find...

Stefan Durlach

Sure. Don't we all? The kind of days when nothing seems to go right and we're feeling out of centre. Within a therapy context there are two kinds: The ones that emanate from my own life and the ones...

Philip Hilder

I cut my hair short with a electric clippers, so apart from the need for a beanie on cold days I generally feel good :)

Lisa Barrett

Yes, but a lot less since I discovered GHD straighteners about 15 years ago -another life changer!! But yes, I do. And I have parts that try to tell me that I shouldn't and other parts that suggest...

Jennifer Fox

Yes, learning to take them more lightly.

Debby Heath

Of course - I'm human after all. I appreciate my clients' patience with me when I sometimes struggle to find the right words or make a mistake (which I will always take responsibility and apologise...

Sally Walsh

at times but I appreciate my humanness qualities too

Jacinta Franich

Of course. This is where mindfulness and self compassion have brought me so much relief in my own life, understanding that being kind to oneself and trying to remain in the present moment is critical...

Urja Refalo

I certainly do have these type of days where my brain seems to be stuffed with cotton wool. Usually some quite time, a coffee and a hug straightens me out and gets me functioning well again.

Ash Rehn

Of course! Everyone has bad days and for many different reasons. I think it is helpful, on days when things are not going so well, to be okay about that. Living with imperfection can be quite...

Morag Paterson


George Turnure

You bet. I am a human with vulnerabilities and fallible too.

Nick Batty

Please refer to my profile picture. As you will see its not an issue!!

Michael Booth

Yes, of course. Being mentally or emotionally in the wrong space certainly does occur despite my best efforts. That means I might miss things the client is saying or I may make less than optimal...

Rachel Troia

100% yes! But I don't choose to wear a wig or disguise it with a hat. I allow space for my 'bad hair' so that I can learn and grow from it.

Philipa Thornton

I am human and like anyone have my up and down day's. I think this helps me have greater empathy for others. On those days I give myself permission to take a break and take care of myself as best I...

Stephanie Thompson

Oh yes.

Christina Taylor

I have 3 wigs

Joanne Taylor

Yes definitely!!

Rina Taub

Of course we all do but it is not about a Performance or test. As long as I am genuinely listening, authentic and collaborative we can check and get back on track.

Julie Sweet

Of course, too many to mention. That is why I draw upon a collective group of people in my personal life and professional world to gain support from. Ironically enough it's the 'bad hair' days that...

Mano Suttner

Yes. Often.

Nerine Strachan

yes everyone does, but as a therapist your focus is always the clients wellbeing.

Sharon Snir

of course.

Lidia Smirnov

Absolutely, coming back to the buddhist philosophy around 'common humanity' I am not immune to having off days but I know I handle them a lot better now than before.

Matty Silver

No, not really.

Jess Siegle

OMG YES!! Every day hahaha!!

Hadass Segal

I have curly hair and a curly approach to life. Need I say more?

Jenny Sanbrook

Thank goodness I have bad hair days - imagine how self assured and lacking in compassion I would be without them. It is much easier to deal out advice to others than apply that knowledge to my own...

Jessica Ryan-Zeman

All my clients know I wear my heart on my sleeve I am pretty transparent and when I make a mistake I am the first to own it! I definitely do not model perfection!!

Amber Rules

I have literal bad hair days at least once a week! And yes, I have professional bad hair days like anyone else - fortunately, these moments often offer opportunities for my client and myself to...

Karen Rushbrook

Of course, therapists are human too. But, I learn from all my bad hair days and become better with each experience.

Deborah Rollings

Oh, occassionally

Nicole Rikos

Of course! It's a part of being human. You can be doing all the right things for your health and well being but sometimes you just have a bad day. Learning to ride the ups and downs in life and...

Victoria Redbard

LOL what kind of question is this? I'm assuming they are asking if I am challenged by life. Overall I find my life relaxing and fulfilling, I have the time and space to explore and live how I choose...

Robyn Price

Sure, I have days when my concentration is challenged, when I'm tired or something has happened in my life. A person I'm seeing will always know something is up. I acknowledge this and show that as a...

Lara Petrulis

Yes, 'bad hair' days definitely happen - as is the ebb and flow of life. At these moments I draw on the support of family and friends and when I am able, try to use these experiences as opportunities...

Anna Petinsky

Yes, I do. If I didn't have bad hair days, I wouldn't be real. It is a part of being human.

Lisa Paul

Hell YES Lol.

Alexandra Page

Never! ;)

Matthew Evans

Yes, that's when I get to practice some of the strategies which I usually share with others. On those days I do my best to 'walk the talk' and take some of my own medicine.

Rosa Oyta

As a psychologist, I am only human and can have days where I feel more challenged than others. However, it is important for me to maintain a professional demeanor and provide the best care possible...

Debbie O'Connor

Of course I have bad hair days! Like everyone I have days where I am not at my best, due to life pressures, just not feeling 100%, family needs or other pressing matters. On these days I know that I...

Jacqueline Nevin

Everyone has 'bad hair' days - we are all human beings, with flaws and learning. Without them. there would be no growth.

Jodie Gale

Of course - they are a part of life!

Maggie Morgan

Of course. I'm human. I make mistakes, just like anyone else.

Marie Mooney

You bet! My approach is to be real and as authentically present as I can be.

Dana Mitrovic

Of course! I believe that 'bad hair' days are part of being human. There are days where we all feel lost, hopeless and generally just not ourselves. I am thankful for these days as they teach me how...

Kate Mikhailouskaya

I do, just like everyone else. Life is not a quest for happiness or a hunt for the Good days. The bad ones signify that we are alive and life is happening to us. I take the moment to self-explore, sit...

Hope Michaelson

I can have an unintegrated' start to my day and have a 'bad hair' day however when I see a smile - and there is always one there if you want to see one, then I remember to use my mindsight' and...

Michelle McGee

Of course, who doesn't.

Jacqueline McDiarmid

Yes my hair is often bad! I definitely have days and weeks that are more challenging than others.

Jessica McMillan

Of course I do, everyone does. Things don't go the way I want them to sometimes. I can have the best of intentions, but whether I am just having an 'off day' or something has happened in my personal...

Karin McLennan

Absolutely, as issues continue to arise in my life that need to be healed.

Geraldine McKay


Michael Grunwald

I don't think I have 'bad hair days' (I don't have enough of it anymore), but I certainly believe in the concept of optimal and suboptimal client-counsellor fit. I think that it is important for...

Emmaline Golding

Of course! We're all human!

Deb Gavan

ALL. THE. TIME. I approach bad hair days with humour, mindfulness, open mindedness (and chocolate).

Jean Gamble

When I let my boundaries and self-care slip I can become tired and feel a bit jaded about my work. I know that this is a signal for me to return to the level of self-loving choices and behaviours that...

Erin Galt

Haha, don't we all!

Elaine Ford

At times, but I make sure to nurture my own soul and work with my supervisor to ensure that these days have a minimal, in any, impact on my therapy

Giulia Fiore

Of course, I am human. It is unrealistic to think that as humans, we are never going to experience pain. Nevertheless, I have learned effective skills to manage my thoughts and actions in order to...

Elizabeth Fairbanks

I have more bad hair days than good ones...

Miranda Fagan

I tend to try to avoid fixating on my appearance these days and judging whether my hair is good or bad. But yes, of course I do! But what I love about the days I don't feel so confident about...

Lissette Endacott

Of course, we all do. Life is full of ups and downs and we need the psychological resources to delight in the good and navigate the tricky parts. I'm thankful for creativity that allows for a...

Gregory Egan

I think everyone has a bad hair day now and again, as life has it's ups and downs and no life is perfect.

Nathan Dick

Yes, I have come to accept these days, often they last a few days or a week. I find my own therapy and supervision supportive. I also have built a network of people around me who I trust and am able...

Catherine Devetzis

Robert Grant refers to trauma as the way of the wound, of course this path is often scary, painful and fraught with misunderstandings. However, I have learnt that maintaining my responses as...

Kerriann Dear


Kate Deakin

I've never met a human being who doesn't! We are all human, we are all imperfect, we all have difficult experiences in life. I think that for all of us it's about finding a balance of making peace...

Conny Davis

Who doesn't, it goes with being human, being vulnerable, real and, imperfect.

Amy Datyner

Yes. Just another human here :)

Karen Curran

Absolutely. But I choose to let go of my feelings and focus on my client. I pause, take deep breaths and return to centre. When I am with a client, they have my full attention.

Ivan Cunningham

Oh boy, do I ever! There is never enough hair product to keep my hairstyle in place - especially when I'm doing my Walk and Talk sessions. Good thing we have a lot of hats in our house!

Howard Colin-Thome

I have ups and downs like everyone. I've had periods where I've had stress, relationship issues, anxiety and probably low mood. They are useful periods however as they help me understand myself and...

Mairead Cleary

I have plenty of them... literally. Curly hair is far more demanding to manage than straight! But I've built a solid support base around me over the years, so I always have someone to laugh about it...

Mary Cantrill

Yes. I encounter difficulties and stressors like all people. It's important to prioritise self-care, seek support when needed, and maintain a healthy work-life balance to navigate these experiences...

Jan Campbell-Thompson

It is important to realise that essentially the work is not about me. My focus must and does remain on the person in front of me.

Kerstin Buccoliero

Certainly, or those days where I prefer to pull the blanket over my head and stay in bed, rather than get up, and walk the dog in the rain...again. I think it is unhealthy to always want to be joyful...

Jocelyn Brewer

Never! I just know when to wear a beanie! :)

Sharon Bonello

We all have 'bad hair ' days, don't we?

Steve Bonanno

Haha. As a bald guy, actual bad hair days are a thing of the past... but when it comes to the ebbs and flows of the human condition: yes! I have my good days and my bad days. It really helps me to...

Christine Bennett

As a real human having a human experience, I do occasionally have a bad hair day. To me, this is an indication that I need some time out for appropriate self-care to recharge by batteries.

Christopher Basten

Not enough hair on the old head to worry.

Duda Baldwin

Totally having a few bad hair days. I learnt to be kind to myself and not to beat myself up. I am a therapist who likes to share my own flaws with clients in order to create a space of two equals,...

Heather Adams

Crikey - no - yes - of course - I am human is my reply! What I have learnt is 'resilience' and that 'courage' is something to aspire to after one of 'those days'. As Brene Brown says 'Sometimes the...

Janelle Wright

I definitely do! In those bad hair moments it is important to become aware of managing my shame and providing myself with self soothing and kindness. I'm then in a better position to repair any...

John Woodcock

There are on occasion, clients who, for their own healing, need to launch an attack on the therapist's vulnerabilities which become clearly visible to that client. In effect they can seek to violate...

Judith Withers

yes, sometimes. It is what we do about them and how we manage them that are important, not whether we have bad hair days or not.

Veronik Verkest

We all have times when we experience challenges. They make us feel frustrated, sad or lost. This is part of being human.

Michael Vaccaro

Well even with a shaved head, I can honestly say that there are moments in everyday that challenge me, test me, and call me to take another look at who I am and how I am showing up in the world. The...

Stacey McCraw

Not really - I make sure that I eat nutritious food, exercise often and sleep well, and balance life with a bit of fun so that come each morning, I am able to be as present as possible for the people...

Graeme James

Therapists are people too. While the context of everyone's life is different, we all have potential for 'bad hair' days. Why should it be any different for therapists? The world will shift and change...

Michelle Lin

I have exactly 1 hair style that works and anything else I've tried has been bad hair days.

Mia Kennedy

Yes and the older I get the easier it is to admit it. I feel very blessed by the training I was fortunate enough to receive. Early on in my career I volunteered at Lifeline and I stayed there for many...

Carol Marando

I keep them to myself.

Gabriele (Gabe) Marranci

Yes, just like everyone else, I have days where I may not feel at my best. In the Internal Family Systems (IFS) context, we can think of these moments as different parts of me expressing themselves....

David Mandrake

Yes, every day, when I first wake up in the morning.

Lana Lubimoff

We can take comfort in knowing everyone has bad hair days.

Andrew Lindsay

I keep my hair no longer then 1cm for this reason! Yes, of course, but I think it's not about not having them. Mostly these days I can remember it is ok to have them and I don't have to hide it....

April Lewis

Yes, of course I do. I am, after all, a human being, with all of the fallibilities, vulnerabilities and weaknesses (and strengths) that are part of the human condition. I am also a product of my past...

Tessa Ipp

Sometimes, then I realise I need to give to myself to again find my balance and presence as counsellor/psychotherapist.

Natasha Lawrence

Of course! On these days I acknowledge it to myself and allow compassion and space for me to be and perform however I need to

Kelsey Hendrickson

Absolutely I have bad hair days. Sometimes I wake up and the weather is sticky and humid and my hair is just frizzy that day. The key for me and for my clients is to remember that tomorrow the weather...

Martin Hemsley

Blimey, my hair is often so bad! Being human is not easy, I think. I can be anxious, feel overwhelmed and a bit shut down at times.

Geoff Heard

Yes, because I'm human. It can also happen that what feels like a bad hair day is the result of relationship dynamics within a therapy session, useful information about the process and not to be...

Sue Hawkins

You betcha.

Megan Haire

Yes, I'm human like everyone else. I have moments of frustration and distraction. However, I manage my practice in such a way that I look after my health and don't compromise my ability to empathise...

Volker Krohn

Looking at my receding hairline I have to answer yes'. As Buddha used to say: “Life is suffering.” We cannot escape it. We all have to face our own mortality and loss in different ways....

Sarah Bergman

Everyone has 'bad hair' days. If I am having a particularly bad day (which isn't very often) and time permits I will cancel my client list. As a therapist it is important to me that any problems I may...

Steven Segal

Rather than fighting my 'bad hair' days, I have learnt to accept them which allows me to focus on something else, e.g., go for a walk in the park. I find this very helpful in allowing me to tune in...

Neha Kapoor

Don't we all? I'm no exception to the rule.

Brenda Rowlandson

Oh yes! And 'bad clothes days' and sometimes I work with a headache, or a backache, but even on those days I still wouldn't want to be doing anything else (except perhaps lying down!). In saying that,...

Dinah Buchanan

Absolutely! I think the more authentic we are and the more we share the journey - its hardships and challenges in a very real way, then we will be better able to accept ourselves with compassion and...

Steven Dromgool

I don't have enough hair for that fortunately. But I definitely notice when I am not connected well with my family it's harder to feel in my integrity. On the flip side I think it also builds my...

Corinne Lindsell

oh absolutely !!!