Nicole Kinnaird
Psychotherapist, Process Oriented Therapist
Press Pause Therapies
Armidale, NSW 2350
In Person + Telehealth
Philosophy & Vision
It can feel quite daunting when we first decide to find a Counsellor. Well done - you are on your way! I'm interested in supporting you in an empowering way to achieve a sense of 'wholeness' and wellbeing. I believe that we all have this potential.
From time to time - when challenging issues arise - we all need a little extra support from someone outside our usual network. I look forward to together finding meaning in what is going on for you and reaching your goals.
Since 1997, I have worked therapeutically with people of all ages encountering a wide range of problems and challenges. Additionally, I have specific experience working with children and adolescents, people who have experienced trauma, grief and loss, and with women regarding pregnancy related or parenting issues.
I have specialised training and extensive experience (with a leading National provider) in providing phone and online counselling services :)
I'm an experienced Clinical Supervisor, currently working with individuals and teams from a variety of backgrounds.
I am experienced in facilitating and co-facilitating groups on all sorts of topics. I find significant benefits and inspiration for all are to be gained from groupwork!
Individual, Family & Relationship therapy with people of all ages
Play therapy, sand tray work with children and adults
Telehealth (Zoom, Facetime, phone)
Family Constellations
Professional Supervision
Creativity Coaching & Groupwork - exploring and learning about the deepest part of who you are.
Using art, movement, meditation, time in Nature and other fun, deep, creative pathways!
Yoga and Mindfulness practices - healing through the body
Since 2014, I have been involved in supporting Cultural Connection Tours to Naiuyu, Daly River, NT. These tours are central to real-conciliation in Australia
Creative Art Therapy Group work with Justine Wake and I are so good :)
Quality Provision
I am committed to providing the highest quality service. I regularly attend professional training and personal development seminars. I subscribe to several therapeutic publications and I have regular and ongoing professional supervision and personal therapy.
In a more practical sense, I am committed to working together with people 'where they are at' - this means at times therapy might look like people conversing, at others - like a big party, or even a meditation session!
Areas of Special Interest
- Bachelor of Social Work - 1997 - Sydney University
- Diploma of Process Oriented Psychology - 2012 - ANZPOP
- Diploma of Remedial Massage - 2000 - Central Coast, NSW
- Member IAPOP
- 200HR Yoga Teacher Training - 2021 - The Mindful Yoga School
- 110HR Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher training - 2022 - The Mindful Yoga School
Experiential - Holistic - Mindfulness - Narrative Therapy - Person Centred - Play Therapy - Process Oriented - Sand Tray - Transpersonal
Therapy Approach
I am especially interested and influenced by Process Oriented Psychology ("Process Work") as developed by Arny Mindell and colleagues. This approach has its roots in Jungian Psychology, Quantum Physics, Taoism and Shamanism. I also utilise ideas and techniques from Narrative Therapy, Mindfulness training Family Constellations, and mainstream psychological theories. I draw upon ideas from the creative disciplines and use art, music, movement, and drama in my work. I also use sand tray, symbol work, dreamwork and yoga.
The Australian Indigenous concept of 'Dadirri' - deep inner listening and quiet still awareness, enriches and inspires me. I acknowledge my connection with the people and country of Daly River, NT, where this word originates.
Professional Associations
- Australian Association of Social Workers
Practice Locations
Armidale NSW 2350
please contact for face to face availability and details
Please contact me via email nkinnaird@live.com.au to make a booking or enquiry (including info re Group Work). Appointments available Mon-Fri.
Fees & Insurance
Individual Therapy/Supervision fees: $190 ($180 concession); Couples $200 ($190)
Accredited Mental Health Care Provider & Non-directive Pregnancy Support Counsellor with Medicare. Rebates available when GP referred under an appropriate scheme.
Payment Options
Cash, cheque, EFTPOS, Visa etc. On the spot rebates through HiCAPS. Online payments available especially at the moment!
Contact Nicole
Please contact me to make an appointment

A conversation with Nicole Kinnaird
My choice to study Social Work initially was due to a strong interest in working with children and the idea of having fun in my job was very important and appealing. Out of rebellion I decided I didn't want to be a teacher (like everyone else in my family it seemed! - mother, father, step father, grandfather, aunts, uncles.)
As I gained experience in working therapeutically with children and the adults in their lives I increasingly enjoyed working creatively with people of all ages and also with groups of people. Continuing to learn about people (our minds, emotions, bodily experiences, dreams etc.) and relationships, led me to expand my awareness of various healing modalities and to study Process Oriented Psychology - the love of my life! I will talk more about this in the next question. -
I love this question! It's hard to keep it short tho. Since childhood and adolescence I have been interested in spirituality. As a young person I loved music, being in Nature (swimming, bushwalking, finding caves, sunrises, sunsets, and full moons.) I was interested in poetry and dreams and explored various religions.
Looking back I can see the natural progression of these core interests and how they developed in my 20's to choosing to study Social Work at Uni - I saw this as a holistic mainstream degree which enabled me to explore a wide range of approaches to understanding our human condition. I also studied and practiced as a Massage Therapist as I was drawn to working with the body as well as the mind.
I am continually influenced by many indigenous philosophies, most importantly the Australian indigenous culture with the emphasis on connectedness to Nature, our dreaming natures and one another. I continue to explore mind based approaches such as Mindfulness, Rogerian therapy, Gestalt, DBT, Narrative therapy, CBT, and ACT. I am also influenced by other modalities such as dance and drama therapy, art therapy, Buddhist and Christian philosophies.
Process Oriented Psychology (often called Process Work) has been the biggest influence on my professional and personal development. This approach developed by Arnold Mindell and colleagues has its roots in Jungian Psychology, Taoism, and shamanism and values the wisdom inherent in our bodies, night time dreams and Nature. It is a thorough framework providing tools and opportunities to work effectively and creatively on myself alone, with individuals, couples, small and large groups, and organisations.
Yoga and meditation have been played central and significant roles in my own personal development and healing. I am excited to have taken the step in studying these modalities formally and to be offering these practices in my work. -
I am interested in ALL aspects of health and the human journey. I'm probably in the right job hey! To be specific though, I would add that my personal approach to health focuses on how vibrant and alive and connected I feel in the moment. Do I feel energised and clear? Am I listening to all parts of myself and being loving to myself? How am I in my body and how am I moving? How are my relationships? How is my relationship with the deeper part of myself going?
The human journey contains many ups and downs, even in the space of a few minutes we can experience rollercoaster emotions and moods. It's one heck of a ride being human! I must admit, that in my work, I can sometimes be especially interested in the challenging and disturbing aspects of our human journey because it has been my experience that these times can also bring great transformation, mystery, power and freedom. This excites me. In saying this I also remember I like celebrating, reflecting and soaking up the "simple', restful, "easier' times too. -
The philosophies that have influenced me most (see Q2) also provide my favourite methods. Some specific methods used to increase awareness include:
- dream work; meditation and yoga; focussing; journaling; learning new ways to support ourselves (thoughts, actions, behaviours, goal setting); role play; education; talking and listening with purpose; using art: clay/collage/paint/drawing/colour/craft activities; movement; body awareness and tracking symptoms; connecting with wisdom in Nature; using structure and routines to support change.
- I use silence as a method and way of providing the space required to really hear ourselves.
- I use Sand tray and symbol work quite a lot in my work. I find this way of working with the less "conscious' part of who we are very free-ing, empowering, and mystically helpful. -
I hope the client will feel some kind of movement happening from the first session. It's important for me not to presume what "progress' is but to continually check in with my client about their experience and what they are hoping to get out of each session.
Overall therapy has supported me to love myself more. Self-love is at the core of all the amazing help I have received from therapy and all of the other ongoing training, workshops, self development courses, body and movement based methods I learn and experience from. The specific help over the years has included: increase in confidence; helpful new skills in relating; insights into issues and problems; learning from dreams and other mysterious experiences; support to follow what is right for myself; healing from past pain including trauma, shame, guilt, grief and loss; trusting my body; finding new attitudes to approach "problems'; and accepting and loving all the parts of who I am (this is ongoing of course! Ha ha!)
I love meeting new people and being present and supportive of their experiences and stories. I love working creatively with people and connecting with the inherent wisdom in our bodies, experiences, dreams, minds and all around us which can lead to a sense of greater freedom, connectedness, awareness etc.
Yes of course! I can get as moody and grumpy as anyone. I get tired and sooky and forget I have many wonderful tools and supports around me. It all passes, even though sometimes it's hard to remember that.
Big question! The first thing that comes to mind is the sense of disconnect from ourselves, one another and Nature. I probably think this is the biggest problem we face in the world, because I feel it is the biggest problem I face. I feel most well and free and loving when I feel connected to myself, others and Nature and often wonder how things would change if I (and others) felt this more of the time.
Loads and loads! Most things inspire me to be honest because they come from the creative part of us and I am interested in that in almost every form. I love wandering in galleries, bookstores, going to movies and listening to music: world, classical, pop, relaxation/chill, alternative, some pop.
Here are a few that pop into mind.
Books: Story About Feeling by Bill Niedjie, Life of Pi (now a film), The Shaman's Body by Arnold Mindell (actually anything by any Process Oriented Psychology person), The Secret River by Kate Grenville (also a Sydney Theatre production 2013)
Poets and Mystics: Rumi, Hafiz, Hildegaard von Bingen, I Ching Book of Changes
Events: Woodford Folk Festival - all of it especially the fire event, Five Rhythms and Nia dance classes.
The film Where the Wild Things Are, and music bands such as Bliss, and Stringmansassy.
Paintings: Waterhouse, Georgia O'Keefe, Wendy Chenoweth, artist Pixi Mix, Michael Leunig cartoons.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate…' poem by Marianne Wilkinson often credited to Nelson Mandela.
Motherpeace Tarot and Jamie Sam's Medicine Cards.
Published Articles
In recent months I have been aware of my tendency to marginalise my need to slow down and &lsqu...
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