Teresa Wilkinson

It builds self-awareness, which allows us to choose how we relate to ourselves and others. Being able to hear how we talk to ourselves is necessary for listening to ourselves and improving our...

Lisa Moore

Firstly, I am immensely grateful and fortunate to live in a world where therapy has been an option for me. It is a privilege it is to have access to such valuable support and guidance, especially...

Carlyn Chen

Therapy calls me to grow, reflect, learn, be honest with myself and others and go ever deeper into the complexity of the human experience. It continues to open my mind and perspective on the world and...

Johanna Waugh

Yes, I believe it has happened. When I went to see my therapist, I realised that my head was full from all of the issues I was dealing with. Talking to someone let me see things a lot more clearly. It...

Vivian Baruch

Helping others achieve healing & find confidence & clarity in their life choices is my guiding purpose. Therapy provides a safe & structured way to offer compassion & find a deeper meaning behind the...

Tania Djipalo

I now consult myself when making decisions in life, I have emotional agility and can go with the flow. I also am able to process difficult situations and sit with difficult feelings. Most importantly...

Donald Marmara

As a teenager, I was diagnosed clinically depressive and for several years I was prescribed ever-increasing dosages of anti-depressant drugs. Eventually I moved to London where I discovered forms of...

Karen Potter

Therapy has increased my self-awareness and ability to self-reflect enormously and this has enabled all my relationships in life to be stronger and deeper. I have a stronger connection to nature and...

Reed Everingham

I have done individual therapy and couples therapy with my partner. I have studied and read extensively, and I love the calm that comes from knowing myself better. I don’t oscillate as wildly as I...

Tamara Pallos

It has made me more self aware, as well as more empathetic about the human condition and what people go through in life.

Michele Stewart

Being a therapist and having many experiences of therapy has allowed me to deep dive into relating, conversations and experiences in the most authentic way. It has helped me be more human, vulnerable...

Heide McConkey

learning from clients and their trauma histories

Helen Basili

Being overly attached to 'a better person' identity can be problematic as it can result in us overlooking aspects of ourselves that don't align with that identity. Therapy has helped me become more...

Heather Cavill Greer

I feel it is imperative that all therapists do their own personal therapy. My own journey has helped me to really appreciate what's involved in the healing journey, to face the parts that scare me or...

Nigel Bailey

It has enabled a much clearer understanding of both myself and those around me. I have become a much more tolerant and pragmatic person, able to communicate assertively but with appropriate empathy...

Petroula Quinn

I have felt privileged to support so many people who have experienced significant hardship and difficultly. I believe my professional journey has humbled me as a person and I truly am grateful and...

Ron Dowd

Psychoanalysis, Jungian analysis, Hillmanian analysis, buddhist-oriented psychotherapy: these have all been extremely important in me finding my way. From a very idealistic young man to a much more...

Kathleen Goossens

It drew me to become a psychotherapist counsellor. More self and other awareness, kindness and compassion.

Martina Palombi

In so many ways. Yet not without a serious effort and a commitment to working on myself. All of what I am about to say is a work in progress and by no means am I able to do this all the time. It...

Vassilka Dimitrova-Isbell

Well, what does 'better' mean? I think it is making me a fuller person as I too face my own challenges and limitations, which I have to address in order to continue.

Uri Bookman

I have been in therapy for several years and I continue to explore and grow through supervision and other continuous learning opportunities. During this time, I have healed past trauma, gained a...

Karen Druce

Having one's own personal therapy is a great leveller. It fosters humility and makes one more appreciative of the unique situations and heroic - and not so heroic - efforts of others. Therapy puts you...

Carolyn Zantis

Learning to be present to my own process (through working in a Process Oriented way), and to respect it's message is a powerful tool for working with life's challenges. I don't waste much time in the...

Kate McMaugh

I think I am calmer and more grounded as a result of trying to 'practice what I preach'! Being a therapist has helped me remain connected to wider society and helps me remain empathic and...

Tom Skotidas

I no longer judge people. Through my training, I am now always focused on understanding a person's primary, underlying emotions, and the socio-cultural environment pressures they are facing.

Nicole Kinnaird

Overall therapy has supported me to love myself more. Self-love is at the core of all the amazing help I have received from therapy and all of the other ongoing training, workshops, self development...

Suzanne Rosenberg

I am now able to reconise when I am in a triggered state, to name it, to step back and support myself with compassion rather than attack the nearest person, who is usually someone I love dearly. In...

Amanda Dounis

Therapy has made me a better person because it has given me knowledge and understanding of our patterning and our programming. Being a therapist requires ongoing professional development. I take this...

Rachael Carter

The biggest change has been healing early developmental and shock trauma when I was under 3 years. I developed more capacity and coherence in my felt system. This has enabled more confidence in my...

Natalie Meijer

Yes Therapy combined with my own spiritual practice . Life itself being the ultimate spiritual teacher.

Christopher Seager

Firstly, I don't return to destructive behaviours that threatened to ruin my life and deeply affect those around me. I am a much more content, reflective person and think of others and how they feel,...

Carolyn Choy

I get to know myself better: my strengths and my weaknesses. Together we grow.

Michelle Lam

It has allowed me to have more clarity about what is important to me as a person and how I want to live my life. By having more compassion for myself I have achieved a lovely work/life balance where I...

Lisa Champion

I have loved my personal therapy journey. I have had many 'light-bulb moments' where I have discovered the reasons why I think, feel and behave the way I do. I have seen how gaining insight and...

Sara Beresford Terry

Yes- that is easy to answer. Being a counsellor requires me to do a great deal of self reflection and make sure my 'stuff' is not interfering with my work with clients. I have heard many sad and...

Stefan Durlach

I have problems with the assumptions behind this question. What really is a better' person? We are who we are, and over time we change, sometimes more and sometimes less intentionally. Whilst therapy...

Philip Hilder

I have always enjoyed the way that therapy has opened my mind to broader human possibilities and freedoms. I feel that therapy is a sacred space where magic can and should happen.

Lisa Barrett

Absolutely. I am a great advocate for therapy because it has changed my life! The insights, support, clarity it has given me as I have had the opportunity to explore my challenges, concerns,...

Jennifer Fox

More self and other awareness and compassion.

Debby Heath

I experienced profound change and growth through my own therapy, so know from a lived experience that therapy with the right practitioner can be life changing. My experience as a client has given...

Sally Walsh

developing better relationships and realities within my own life

Jacinta Franich

I believe therapy is what brought me to the counselling profession, and got me through my young adult years when I was navigating relationship, moving away from my family, and starting my own family....

Urja Refalo

Therapy has helped me accept myself more and more. It has also helped me become more aware of my habitual patterns of relating which I am more able to recognise and change. Recognising my uniqueness,...

Ash Rehn

I think there is something quite powerful in the reflective surface that therapy offers us. When we feel safe and acknowledged with a therapist, we are in a position where we can speak more freely...

Morag Paterson

In essence, it has given me a deeper insight into understanding myself and other people which has led me to have a healthier and kinder relationship with myself. This helps me have a better...

George Turnure

I try to be more mindful of others, more accepting, more patient with loved ones eg partner, friends and family and I aim to foster self-worth in my son.

Nick Batty

Therapy has allowed me to help more people by gaining a deeper understanding of a wide range of mood, personality and behavioural issues.

Michael Booth

Good therapy requires training, supervision and knowledge, but above all, empathy and kindness. Deliberately developing my capacity for empathy and kindness has undoubtedly may me a better person.

Rachel Troia

I love myself and others unconditionally - it doesn't get better than that for me.

Philipa Thornton

While I think I am a work in progress. I think both being a therapist and having my own therapy, I have personally benefited and like to believe I am a more informed, mature, kinder and wiser person...

Stephanie Thompson

The discipline of what in counselling is called 'unconditional positive regard' is extremely personally beneficial. It refers to the rigorous non-judgement of whatever a client brings to the table,...

Christina Taylor

My own therapy has led me to a more fulfilled life, one with laughter and passion - something I had no concept of in my first decades of being a woman.

Joanne Taylor

Knowledge is power. It has helped me be more understanding less judgemental and more able to make sense of the world. Having a very investigative personality I like to know why people act the way that...

Rina Taub

It is a privilege to hear people stories and sharing this process has been inspiring . It has encouraged me to appreciate those around me and connect with values I hold as important and the culture...

Julie Sweet

It comes back to self and therapy has caused me to examine myself, as both an individual and a therapist. It is a collaborative ongoing process and one that teaches me tools, strategies and learnings...

Mano Suttner

It has not made me a better person. It has helped me accept myself as I am, and others as they are, in any given moment, and to cast aside the veil of judgement. Rather than help me feel better, it...

Nerine Strachan

I understand myself better, however it is always an ongoing process. Self development is a life long journey. I have become more self-compassionate, thus this has facilitated my ability to offer...

Sharon Snir

It has, in the words of St Francis given me The serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. t

Lidia Smirnov

I am more content, happy, relaxed and comfortable in my own skin. I also have a lot more compassion towards my own suffering and try in those moments to bring kindness to myself.

Jess Siegle

Becoming a therapist, receiving counselling myself and attending regular supervision has definitely made me a better, and more grounded person, and a much better mum! For most of my life, I lived...

Hadass Segal

Therapy has helped me better understand and appreciate myself, but also be more accountable and genuine with myself in areas in which I still need to grow and learn.

Jenny Sanbrook

It has challenged me to examine my own life, past and present, how I affect others and how I can grow in maturity as a person.

Jessica Ryan-Zeman

I think it's made me very open minded and non judgemental. Most people would say they can talk to me about anything and everything and feel understood. I think it has made me a better mum...

Amber Rules

This is a BIG question! I could write for pages about how therapy and being a therapist has helped me, but if I had to narrow it right down to a few key things, it would be; 1. It helps me care for...

Karen Rushbrook

Working with children and being thanked for my work is the greatest pleasure in my life. Knowing that I have helped a child or family to live a better life, makes my life seem fulfilled. Over the...

Deborah Rollings

I am more in tune with myself and have developed internal strengths to heal past wounds and make meaning of my life

Nicole Rikos

That's a big question. If I was to sum it up though, I'd say therapy continues to bring the qualities of humility, gratitude and hope into my life.

Victoria Redbard

Therapy has given me the awareness and communication skills to have a fulfilling relationship and be a self responsible leader in my community. It's hard to imagine who I would be today without the...

Robyn Price

It is not my intent to become a better person through therapy but of course, each person I work with, and the relationship we create together, changes me in some way. I definitely have greater...

Lara Petrulis

Facilitating the process of therapy requires a willingness to look within (as a practitioner) at our own issues, core reactions, and past hurts. We have all experienced suffering in our lives and in...

Anna Petinsky

It makes me more loving towards myself. I worry less and enjoy life's many imperfect moments more. Without the self-awareness therapy gives me, I wouldn't be the therapist I am today.

Lisa Paul

Oh I love it. I cannot see me doing anything else now.

Alexandra Page

I feel calmer, more connected and centered in myself.

Matthew Evans

I think it has made me a more reflective person. I hope I am less quick to judge and have a greater capacity for compassion; however these qualities are best judged by others.

Rosa Oyta

Therapy has allowed me to develop a deeper understanding of human behavior and emotions, which I can apply to my personal life and relationships. My work also encourages self-reflection and...

Debbie O'Connor

My own personal therapy has given me a greater understanding of, and compassion for myself. It has increased my capacity to parent well, understand my children's needs, and also made me a more patient...

Jacqueline Nevin

By having a safe environment for true self-reflection and a new way of looking at things, therapy is a place for personal growth that provides a new sense of calm and control.

Jodie Gale

Therapy has made me a better person through building awareness of self and others. Psychotherapy has the following benefits and will help you to: Find resolution of the pervasive underlying causes...

Maggie Morgan

I can't say enough about positive thinking and how, by maintaining a more positive outlook on life, you can cope better with stressful and anxious situations. This is how therapy made me a better...

Marie Mooney

* Improved my connection with myself, including boundaries, purpose, healing my personal wounds and traumas * Improved my relationships, communication and connection with others and lots more.......

Dana Mitrovic

Therapy has made me a better person through teaching me how to openly observe to understand the people who I am with. I have learned to observe each person like a sunset, something spectacularly...

Kate Mikhailouskaya

It definitely has. For example my own therapy allowed me to recognise forgotten and abandoned parts of self, that were longing to be found and were raging in the present. Bringing my inner-child into...

Hope Michaelson

As I believe the mind uses the brain to create itself (per Dan Siegel, IPNB), and in order to know the mind I work with energy which all connects to my work with, and understanding of, compassion and...

Michelle McGee

As a therapist I have heard hundreds of stories. I've been shown different sides of human nature and the impact it has - both good and bad. I've seen people rise above adversity. It definitely has...

Jacqueline McDiarmid

I think I am still trying to be a better person. In this field one never stops learning. Therapists are human and have flaws like everyone else. I am constantly reminded of my own flaws when I meet...

Jessica McMillan

I don't view anyone as 'broken'. I can clearly see that there are parts of us that have been wounded, and that we act and react from these parts sometimes. The aim of our system is not to be terrible,...

Karin McLennan

I regularly use the tools that I share with clients in my own inner world, especially when triggered or if I am feeling off-centered. They are incredibly powerful in assisting to access the deeper...

Geraldine McKay

Therapy has given me so much more insight into myself and the experience of being a client.

Emmaline Golding

For me, working with people who go through all sorts of challenges has made me much more grateful, inspired, and non judgemental. We all have tough times, and no one is immune to stress. It helps to...

Deb Gavan

Yes! Therapy is essential for humans and super important for human therapists. It has helped me in my relationships with family, friends and most importantly, my children. Through therapy and a...

Jean Gamble

As a result of my own healing journey I have much more compassion and understanding for others, am less I-centred, I work with purpose and seldom feel exhausted or overwhelmed as I have much better...

Erin Galt

Self-reflection is an important part of practicing as a psychologist both in my work and in my personal life, and has helped me to always ensure I am being an effective practitioner whilst being...

Elaine Ford

Therapy has helped me to appreciate human existence and the importance of human connectivity. To be in a position where a person can feel liberated to express themselves in a non-judgemental...

Giulia Fiore

Both receiving and providing therapy has helped my life. Receiving therapy has enabled me to identify blind spots and make connections I couldn't see on my own. Providing therapy to others made my...

Elizabeth Fairbanks

This is a HUGE question... For starters, it saved my life. Secondly, through therapy I have discovered myself, have come to embody my personhood, and have experienced so much inner peace and...

Miranda Fagan

I would like to think it has made me a better person. But maybe that is best left for others to judge! I do feel certain that therapy has helped me become a more self-compassionate, mindful and...

Lissette Endacott

Engaging in creative arts therapy has helped me to become a more reflective person, overcome obstacles, experience healing and increase insight to myself, those around me and how I respond to my...

Gregory Egan

The journey to becoming a therapist has made me more self reflective and self aware when it comes to life in general and helped me develop a clear vision and goal for my future to live a more holistic...

Nathan Dick

Learning about psychology, counselling and psychotherapy has changed the way I see the world, and people in it. I am yet to meet a person who I would write off. Everyone can get help. I find, if we...

Kerriann Dear

Lots of reflective practice and a little help from my own therapists and supervisors as well as yoga training has led me to respond rather than react to my life circumstances. But it is always a work...

Kate Deakin

I have become and am continuing to grow more aware of the inner workings of my psyche. As I grow in self-awareness I am more aware of my body as a resource, thoughts, perceptions, belief structures,...

Conny Davis

It has given me a rich insight into my own family dynamics and made me acutely aware of my own core beliefs and values. It has given me a deep understanding of everyones unique qualities and taught me...

Bronwyn Davies Glover

Therapy has offered me the opportunity to learn about humanity, compassion, strength, survival and hope. Each client teaches me through their stories of survival and vulnerability and I learn how to...

Amy Datyner

Therapy provides a rich opportunity for self reflection and growth. It is able to hold us during times of intense stress. I value the privilege I have to work alongside families and support them...

Karen Curran

My own personal therapy has made me a better person because the level of deep that I go with myself, is the level of deep that I can take my clients safely. It is a natural progression. I reflect...

Ivan Cunningham

It is an honour to be trusted with the personal information that the client shares with me, and this alone makes me want to do my utmost to help them to heal. The most satisfying feeling I get is when...

Howard Colin-Thome

Therapy has made me a better person through greater self-awareness, emotional understanding and awareness and also resolution of past issues.

Mairead Cleary

I have infinitely more understanding and compassion for the behaviours I see and hear about in people. Therapeutic work has shown me and allowed me to experience that we're all in the same boat....

Mary Cantrill

Engaging in my own therapy helps me gain personal insight and self-awareness, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy therapeutic relationship with my clients. Secondly, it allows me to process my...

Jan Campbell-Thompson

As far as I'm concerned, therapy is the greatest gift I've ever given to myself and I have no doubt whatsoever, that I would not be the Woman I am today without it. The thing with therapy/analysis is...

Kerstin Buccoliero

Overcoming poor self-esteem as well as fully returning to my body. Both allowed me to live the life I always dreamed of having: A functioning and loving family/ still having fun exploring new things...

Jocelyn Brewer

I enjoy the opportunity to attend therapy myself and reflect on my own growth, struggles and times of 'stuckness'. I find it's so valuable to have another person's perspective to help me check my own...

Sharon Bonello

Therapy makes me a better person because I have more empathy and understanding of emotion and recognize that we are all quite vulnerable to change. It has allowed me to work through my stuff and to...

Steve Bonanno

Being in therapy has supported me to understand what makes me tick! I can finally face those thoughts and feelings that I used to hide away from, and this has improved the relationships I have with...

Christine Bennett

Therapy has made me a better person with improved self-awareness. I am more aware of my thoughts, feelings, and how I behave as a result. This increased self-awareness has helped me better understand...

Christopher Basten

I have learned a lot about courage, love and patience from my clients. I do 'practice what I preach' (at least sometimes).

Duda Baldwin

I personally attend therapy when needed and it always helped me finding clarity when I doubted my own experience and perspectives. I personally seek a therapist who can challenge my ego and...

Heather Adams

My own personal therapy, mandatory through four years of study and ongoing supervision over the past 11 years, has given me the capacity to sit alongside deep anguish, despair and other intense and...

Janelle Wright

It has helped me to develop resilience, self compassion and compassion toward others. I have developed a broader perspective on the complexities and strengths we have as humans.

John Woodcock

Therapy can be a job, a career that one can do, and come home from, like any other job. It can also be a Way! My work as a therapist is simply one aspect of my path in this life. Everything I do in as...

Judith Withers

greater empathy, greater self understanding and a greater understanding of others. Also a more positive attitude

Veronik Verkest

Therapy has opened my heart to more fully accept different parts of me and in turn others, with curiosity and without judgement. Therapy has enabled me to deeply listen to my body and trust my inner...

Michael Vaccaro

Over the last 24 years since my first therapy session, I have completely transformed myself and my life. I don't know if I would use the words, better person, but I can say that I am more in love...

Stacey McCraw

You won't ever find me ranting about someone's bad behaviour. I can usually think of plenty of compassionate explanations for understanding the way people are.

Graeme James

I have been a client, practice as a therapist, supervise other therapists and also train counsellors and therapists. Each of these experiences provides an opportunity for me to learn by reflecting...

Michelle Lin

Therapy has empowered me in my own healing journey and enriched my family relationships. It clarifies and keeps me on track of my values and goals when sneaky captialism and colonialisation makes me...

Mia Kennedy

To become a qualified psychotherapist it is mandatory that you also receive psychotherapy. In part, this is so you can understand the vulnerability that comes along with opening yourself up to another...

Carol Marando

In every way. It's made me compassionate, empathetic, less judgemental, less viciously self critical, less shameful, more confident, happy with myself, a better partner and mother etc. etc. etc. It's...

Gabriele (Gabe) Marranci

Therapy, especially with the Internal Family Systems (IFS) approach, has been a truly transformative experience. It's not just about my clients' growth; it has also profoundly impacted my journey....

David Mandrake

I am a much happier person for having made a commitment to my own health and well being more than fifteen years ago.

Lana Lubimoff

I have learned a great deal about personal development as a therapist.

Andrew Lindsay

I continue with personal psychotherapy and professional supervision which I have had for over 20 years. In this way I can say I practice what I preach and it helps me stay in touch with the core...

April Lewis

Therapy has made me a better person because it has allowed me to embrace all parts of my self, including the parts that I learnt at an early age to suppress or disavow. It provided a safe place where...

Tessa Ipp

Yes I definitely feel and see the changes that have happened in my life. When I look back on my journey as a client, then student, and professional therapist I can see how I have developed as a human....

Natasha Lawrence

I am aware of how my history effects me today. Having struggled with my own past, I have great empathy for people who are trying to do the same. This makes me a better counsellor as I really have a...

Kelsey Hendrickson

Therapy has brought a lot of my unconscious behaviour and thoughts to the conscious level; increasing my self awareness. With that increased level of self awareness comes more choice in my life to...

Martin Hemsley

Therapy for me has bee a great journey of self-discovery. Through it I have gained more self awareness and composure. I have experienced relief from issues such as anxiety and low self-esteem, and to...

Geoff Heard

I think that we are all good people, its just that stuff gets in the way of our making our goodness and creativity felt in the world. I have managed to remove some of the obstacles, especially around...

Sue Hawkins

It has allowed me to grow and forgive.

Megan Haire

Having therapy or doing therapy??? I don't know that 'being a better person' is how I would describe my goals for therapy. Having therapy myself made me more true to myself, and less worried about...

Volker Krohn

All the inner work that I have done over the years, has helped me to develop a greater willingness to experience anything that comes to meet me in life. It has also made me more aware of my own...

Sarah Bergman

I am a lot more aware of myself the good and not so good. I am more accepting of all of myself. I am more patient and kind to myself and others. I am able to accept difference without taking it...

Steven Segal

My own experience as a client in therapy has allowed me to bring out the best in me. It has given me a sense of self confidence and self-worth. I have found meaning and purpose through psychotherapy....

Neha Kapoor

Therapy has been incredibly valuable in my personal growth. It has not only enhanced my self-understanding but also deepened my comprehension of others, enriching my relationships on a profound level.

Brenda Rowlandson

I am more resilient; I have fewer highs and lows and the peaks and troughs are no longer extreme; I can think my way through dilemmas, as well as feeling the feelings, and I don't need to rely on...

Dinah Buchanan

I have grown so much personally and spiritually in my personal therapy journey over the years and know that what I am offering is essentially a therapy journey that has rich rewards for both therapist...

Steven Dromgool

Has it? I feel amazingly lucky to have the trust of my clients and to be able to help people fall in love again in my office everyday. It also helps me see the impact of loving/ and unloving behaviour...

Corinne Lindsell

Personally as a recipient of therapy I have developed life skills. As a therapist, it is fulfilling to see people reach their goals and strive for health. The professional and personal...