Alissa Knight

Scars to your Beautiful - Song By Alessia Cara Singin My Song - Christina Aguilera

Moira Joyce

Breaking the Waves-film Siting on the Dock of the Bay-music

Alicja Weidner

The adaptation of the story narrated in the Star Thrower by Loren Eiseley: 'One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy hurriedly picking up and gently throwing things into the...

Tanya Robinson

Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama authored the book JOY. I enjoyed the message in this book and feel inspired by the message of experiencing true joy and inner peace. Ronni Kahn authored A...

Sarah Short

Serendipity is my favorite movie as sometimes in life all you need is a little bit of faith.

Niki Gelekis

Gabore Mate - The Myth of Normal

Patrick Moloney

It is hard to name one thing but in a difficult period of my life some years ago, I was comforted by playing on my guitar some of James Blunt's music.