Corina Johns

I think it is fair to say I am fairly existentialist - I believe one of the most important things for us to do in life is find and create meaning. I believe strongly that truth is a subjective thing -...

Bridie Fitzgerald

Expressive therapy Person Centred Building the therapeutic alliance

Anthony Hubeck

Gadamerian Hermeneutics in terms of research methodology and trying to get as close to possible to capturing the essence of human experience.

Ajay Hawkes

Acceptance & Mindfulness are keys for me. I began my personal development journey by working on identifying things I didn't like about myself and working at changing them. Essentially fighting with...

Karen Anderson

My original training in developmental and educational psychology gave me an appreciation for the important process of attachment and when ruptures to attachment occur the subsequent impact of loss and...

Jessica Vivien

Buddhist, Sufi, Christian, Jungian, the Yogic Sutras of Patanjali, Charlie Brown, Lunig, amongst others.

Heather O'Neill

I truly admire psychodynamic therapy, and began learning this topic whilst at the Churchill Clinic. I believe it is the best origin of therapy, creating transformational and long lasting changes for...

Cherie Dorotich

As a wide reader and curious mind - everything has contributed something to who I am today.

Oliver Brooke

Carl Rogers's Person-Centered (PC) philosophy has had the greatest influence on my professional style. I intentionally foster an attitude of positive regard, acceptance, non-judgment, empathy, and...

Dian Abdurachman

Rather than mentioning well defined terms, I will describe in my own words: -The therapist is not the person 'who knows it all' and not the person who decides what is good for their clients (apart...

David Indermaur

Rejecting the dogmas, prescriptions and proscriptions that came with my up bringing in the catholic church at an early age I found the approach of Buddhism the most useful as it asked us to question...

Sonia Scussel

I believe in Self-Compassion and Minfulness, these are very powerful tools. Learning to accept and love yourself is a beautiful journey. Depending on the client needs I also use Person-Centred and...

Carolyn Spillett

Three approaches have greatly influenced my professional development. Firstly, underpinning all else is the concept that the client is central to the process and that the relationship between the...

Debra Sumner

Being Mindful and 'Believe and Achieve' which includes never giving up on learning.

Mark Walker

Two of the most famous founders of psychoanalytic practice - Freud and Jung - despite their historic separation, I see as rejoining in modern practice. The most influential people and approaches for...

Katie Watson

Definitely client centred as we are the experts in our own lives and the relationship between the counsellor and client is paramount for effective therapy. Also CBT as this is an approach I find...