Corina Johns

I don't think there is one single answer to that - the most significant problem you find depends entirely on where you look. There is certainly no shortage of problems in the world to grab our...

Anthony Hubeck

The influence of technology and how it can take people away from human connection

Ajay Hawkes

There are many important political issues.... the most significant I think is the environmental crisis. However momentous the other issues are, the planet has a somewhat uncertain but tight deadline...

Karen Anderson

Overpopulation. Raping of the earth's below and above ground natural resources without longer term care plans. Not heeding the planet's groans of suffering - weather implications, environmental...

Jessica Vivien

The effects of trauma on the human psyche and the power of our unconscious negative core beliefs to lock people into lives of pain, stress, distress. If we could reverse these, we would unleash an...

Heather O'Neill

Some people would say COVID, I would say the main problem is the world is becoming less empathic. They say war's bring people together, yet ironically the pandemic has caused separation. I think we...

Cherie Dorotich

The most significant problem in the world today is that it is too fast paced and people can not exist in that.

John Dallimore

We have become so busy that we too often lose connection with ourselves and those around us.

Oliver Brooke

Thinking that the parts of us which are anxious, angry, addicted, etc are the problem. They aren't the problem, the problem is the burdens they carry. If we fight against the parts of people we fight...

Dian Abdurachman

We are disconnected with Nature (the Nature outside, and the Nature inside).

David Indermaur

Greed. The environment is being damaged as a result of over population, over consumption, and desperate grasping. We are seeing at the physical level the result of the “three poisons”...

Sonia Scussel

There are countless problems. From a mental health therapist perspective, I feel that there is a lack of mental health education from childhood on. Introducing knowledge of mindfulness, empathy and...

Carolyn Spillett

Loss - Isolation from others, disconnection from oneself, ability to tolerate, the ability to wait (instant need, sense of entitlement).

Debra Sumner

Communication. Communication is the number one issue for many clients I have worked with followed by trust, trust in self and trust in others.

Mark Walker

Genuine, heartfelt consideration and tolerance of others. Face-to-face time is crucial to true relational engagement and belonging.

Katie Watson

We have forgotten to take care of ourselves. We have become so busy with working, studying and social media that we forget to breathe and take a moment to look after ourselves.