Corina Johns

So many - I am tempted to say them all, but it feels like that would be cheating the question. A broad answer would be that I am interested in the uniqueness of each person's journey - whatever it...

Bridie Fitzgerald

Trauma recovery Working with children, disabled and those who need expressive therapy to heal

Anthony Hubeck

The internal experience of change.

Ajay Hawkes

Learning to meet the challenges of life in a creative and fulfilling way. Learning to stay centred in our painful experiences, rather than have those experiences knock us over. Coming to...

Karen Anderson

Within my own family-of-origin experiences I learned about the human capacity of vulnerability and its implications for living a life wisely and usefully as opposed to succumbing to relentless...

Jessica Vivien

Trauma, working with women, hope, creativity, anxiety and depression, ptsd, life-threatening illness, relationships.

Heather O'Neill

I'm fascinated with people watching, sitting watching the world going by and noticing peoples body language, their facial expressions, are they looking stressed, some are walking fast from A to B,...

Cherie Dorotich

Learning - every moment when a person becomes slightly more aware than before - those moments change lives.

Oliver Brooke

I am interested in people discovering that they are already whole. That inside them is a core essence that is indestructible and ever-present. I love the experience in therapy when someone taps into...

Dian Abdurachman

1. The rite of passage in entering adulthood (20's or earlier/later in some people depending on their journey). 2. Loss, death, grief. In traditional cultures, death is 'celebrated' in various...

David Indermaur

The question of purpose, death and meaning. We are all challenged to construct a meaningful life story or narrative and I'm fascinated by how we do this. I'm also fascinated by the endless dimensions...

Sonia Scussel

Life Transitions, our brain tends to resist to changes, moving country, city, school. Getting married, divorced, becoming a parent, even simple changes can become challenges and promote anxiety, panic...

Carolyn Spillett

Building on a person's internal strengths and resilience, in order to live a fuller life in the present moment.

Debra Sumner

Health has always been important to me as I find achieving a balance of exercise, good food, friends and fresh air is underrated. However it is very hard to find the right balance and in this fast...

Mark Walker

Mental health, resilience and trauma. For me the word journey resonates with narrative therapy - telling and having our stories listened to - and Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey (our lived experience...