- Thank You
Philosophy & Vision
I use a positive, solution-focused method I call 'Therapeutic Coaching'. It's particularly enjoyable and satisfying because it progresses you toward real, practical solutions, while deeply respecting your intelligence, personal perspectives and life experience. This is very unlike the long-winded psychoanalytical 'therapy' portrayed in movies! I also use nutritional interventions for mood - a potent yet under-applied area of clinical knowledge - and somatic (body-mind) psychology principles.
I am a Registered Psychologist who works privately with people referred by GPs and self-referred members of the public, as well as with executives via my corporate organisational psychology practice. I've been doing this for over 20 years.
Before establishing Insight Matters in 2000 I was:
- Technical Director and Senior Corporate Psychologist, McKenzie Consulting Group
- Occupational Psychologist, Saville & Holdsworth (SHL), SE Asia
- Lecturer, Singapore Institute of Commerce
- Research Psychologist, Biopsychology (Nutrition) & Organisational Psychology (Counselling), Leeds University, UK
For adults and mature young people 16+ years:
- Alleviation of depression, anxiety and phobias
- Reduction of work stress
- Guidance for relationship issues
- Support for parents with children's behaviour
- Solutions for life's practical challenges
- Support for illness recovery/management, with a specialty in ME/CFS/CFIDS ( - no it's NOT all in your head! See article: https://shrinkwrap.blog/healing-chronic-fatigue-syndrome-cfs/)
Quality Provision
I have long since lost count of the courses I've done and the tomes of reading material I've consumed!
I am a dedicated (some may say obsessive) personal and professional self-developer, with a deep thirst for knowledge and understanding - and for finding the best way, rather than necessarily the common way.
I have a reputation for friendly professionalism and getting tangible results, quickly.
Areas of Special Interest
- BA Dbl Hons Psychology & Management Studies (UK) - 1990
- Cert. Executive Coaching - UK/Australia - 2000
- Cert. Hypnotherapy (AAH) - Australia - 1999
- Cert. Adult Education (RSA) - UK/Singapore - 1994
- Certs Occupational Testing & Assessment (numerous) - 1995-2007
CBT - Dance Movement Therapy - Integrative - Interpersonal - REBT - Solution Oriented
Therapy Approach
'Therapeutic Coaching' draws on the best of three techniques: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Solution-focused Counselling and business-style coaching.
The difference is the strong emphasis placed on respecting your unique circumstances, intelligence and perspectives. My job is to assist your insight, problem-solving and recovery. I aim to move you quickly through whatever is going on and bring you out stronger, wiser, and with tangible, practical solutions.
I also use Nutrichology, the essential yet usually overlooked foundation of healthy mood, and some movement-based body-mind techniques.

A conversation with Stephanie Thompson
I had a most wonderful Organisational Psychology professor at university who was also a highly effective counsellor. He got tangible, fast results for people.
This was against a backdrop of extremely poor outcomes achieved by the psychological counselling profession as a whole at that time (circa 1990) - actually zero net benefit shown in our research. My professor was stridently critical of this, and rightly so. I found his pragmatic and empathic dedication to doing what works - evidence-based therapy - very inspiring. I wanted to do the same.
So "Do what works, or don't bother" has been a mantra for me for the past 25 years. I couldn't bear to just sit and listen and nod for hours per week. I want to work practically with people to achieve tangible and sustained improvements in their situation. -
I like to make a clear distinction between academic theories and the realities of working with someone to solve a unique life problem. Some psychological theories really do help, but many don't translate well into the real world. Again it comes down to figuring out what genuinely works and doing that, rather than theorising.
I am a health scientist at heart. I love research, plus my own experience shows that the majority of common psychological conditions such as depression, anxiety and stress are far more easily and quickly remedied than many believe. -
I have a great passion for understanding what the nervous system needs nutritionally in order to produce positive mood. There is wonderful research in this area that demonstrates potent effects from changing dietary variables, though this knowledge is sadly very rarely utilised. Some quite severe negative mood states can be resolved extremely quickly this way.
I also enjoy assisting people struggling with CFS/ME, because the dismissal or minimisation of this condition by some in the medical profession can be extremely distressing. I have worked with many clients with CFS/ME over the years and not for a single one of them was it "all in their head"! It is a very real physical condition.
The stress mechanisms of the body, however, interact intimately with the immune and energy systems, so leverage can be gained by using psychological techniques to support recovery by taking pressure off these systems.
I also have a passion for movement-based therapies, especially those based in dance and connection with others. Hard to describe but profound to experience, this field is a cornucopia of opportunity for personal growth and joyous engagement with life. -
I use a blended approach that I call 'Therapeutic Coaching'. It marries the best of...
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
- Business-style Coaching, and
- Solution-focused Counselling / Brief Therapy (SFBT)
I also have a large kitbag of tips and techniques for resolving depressed mood, anxiety, phobias, relationship issues and work stress. -
Sometimes after the very first session, usually by the second, or almost always by the third - depending, of course, on the nature of the problem. Some issues are bigger and take longer, whereas others can be remedied surprisingly quickly.
The discipline of what in counselling is called 'unconditional positive regard' is extremely personally beneficial. It refers to the rigorous non-judgement of whatever a client brings to the table, and meeting them where they are currently with a neutral, supportive understanding. Practicing that for many years produces a depth and breadth of understanding of the human experience that is invaluable in so many arenas. It's a very functional and constructive mindset.
The second most beneficial thing has been learning the art of executive coaching, or business coaching. I was very fortunate to learn this from the original British developers of this specialty. The techniques are invaluable for getting lasting results both for counselling and executive clients, as well as for problem-solving in general. -
Seeing clients surprised by how dramatically and quickly a situation that felt so dire and desperate can change for the better, and knowing that I helped to achieve that.
I also love knowing that by helping one person to become very functional and effective in their lives, I have triggered the multiplier effect - many positive dominoes fall after that. By one person becoming a better parent, employee, boss, scientist, teacher (etc), countless others will benefit across time and the world becomes that bit better. -
Oh yes.
Ooh, to pick just one... I think I have to pick two:
1. 'Wealthy malnutrition' - educated and otherwise high-functioning people operating far below par due to a diet of food-like substances rather than the actual nutrition required by their nervous systems. A massive swathe of mood and cognitive disorders could be eliminated if proper attention were given to this.
2. Failure of empathy. This is the causative agent that powers most of the major ills in the world, from simple domestic misery to great wars, monetary systems that are corrupt at their core, and pharmaceutical marketers who sacrifice the wellbeing of strangers in exchange for profit or a fleeting 'win'. If all of our children were taught empathy (or ethics, which is essentially the same thing) the world would be a far saner and more pleasant place. -
Too many to list!