The current rate for a listing in Good Therapy's Directory is $154 (12 months).
A reduced rate of $110 is available for some practitioners.
Note: Good Therapy Australia does not use an automatic debit system. All payments are sent as once-only transactions.

In sending your payment for a profile listing in the Psychotherapy and Counselling Practitioner Directory, you are agreeing to accept and abide by Good Therapy's Terms of Service.

There are three ways to make a payment -

Direct Transfer

Good Therapy Australia | Westpac BSB 032 564 Account no. 192 614
Please enter your full name as reference so we know who is making the payment.
Email the relevant details if possible to:


You can pay with a PayPal account if you have one.

Debit or Credit Card

Visa or MasterCard (via PayPal's secure payment platform, as a Guest).

If you encounter a problem with the payment process, please contact us.

Thank you for helping to make this community resource available to Australians.
