I've Lost Interest In Sex.

Question: I've lost interest in sex. This is not easy to admit out loud, especially since males are supposed to be always looking for it. It wouldn't be such a major issue except that my girlfriend thinks I'm losing interest in her. Last night she suggested I might be getting it elsewhere. I blew my stack. Not the best way to handle things, I know. I'm in my mid 40's and she's in her late 30's. I don't want to lose her but nor can I force something that can't be forced. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Answer: Many men suffer a drop in their libido from time to time. Causes can include stress, changing hormone levels, aging, poor health, depression or emotional loss. Libido is also often affected by unresolved relationship tensions and conflicts. Discuss the issue with your girlfriend in a supportive and caring manner. See it as an opportunity to explore what you both need to feel more emotionally and sexually connected. If the problem persists, counselling may assist you in resolving the matter. Please do also have a physical check up with your GP.

Answer provided by Dr. Gemma Summers