Psychotherapy Practitioner Directory

Good Therapy Australia is a national health promotion charity and a place for all Australians to learn about therapy.
We aim to help you explore what good therapy means for you personally, and connect with a therapist who is a good fit.

Looking for a therapist? You're in the right place.

Services offered by therapists listed in Good Therapy's practitioner directory include psychotherapy for individuals, counselling for couples, online counselling, family therapy, group therapy, coaching and educational psychology.

Search Good Therapy's Directory to find a psychotherapist, family therapist, psychologist, coach or counsellor in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra, and other areas of Australia.

Searching our practitioner directory for the first time? Please read our page on choosing a therapist before you begin.

Or visit our page on the difference between a psychotherapist and psychologist to learn about the types of therapists.

Are you a fully accredited Therapist in private practice?

Learn more on how to register with Good Therapy and list your practice in Good Therapy's Practitioner Directory.
