What Is The Ratio Of Males/females That Go To A Psychologist And Do They Go For The Same Reasons?

Question: What is the ratio of males/females that go to a psychologist and do they go for the same reasons? Lindsay

Answer: I am unable to give you an accurate figure but anecdotally females generally outnumber males in help-seeking behaviors. Both men and women are challenged by the range of mental health, psychological, social and personal issues. Women usually share information and seek advice from their female peers more readily than males, a product of environment and socialisation, and perhaps some genetic component, too. Males are encouraged from an early age to be self-reliant, independent and "brave little soldiers" and generally tend to wait till crisis point where they see little option but to seek help. Women generally admit difficulties earlier and pro-actively seek assistance from confidantes and professionals.

The socialisation against experiencing feelings works against men's mental health and impacts on their interactional style with partners, children, and others, often including abuse and violence. While numbers of men are realising the limiting effects on their own happiness inherent in this societally constructed male role stereotype and are embracing services, the myth continues to be reinforced in fiction and media.

Answer provided by John Hunter, Counsellor