My Teenage Daughter Has Been Seeing A School Counsellor.

Question: My teenage daughter has been seeing a school counsellor. I would like to talk to the counsellor before school ends for the year but I'm not sure if this is permissable. Am I allowed to enquire about her well-being? My daughter doesn't tell me anything about what is troubling her.

Answer: School counselors are basically teachers with specific counseling training. Though the treatment is free, your child is still your child and not the property of the counselor. You are absolutely entitled to enquire in generalities about your child's progress and speak to the counselor him / herself . The exact content of the treatment really should not be transmitted to you for the sake of professional confidentiality in maintaining a trusting relationship with the teen but never feel that you must be somehow totally excluded from the process in order for it to be effective.

If your child seems to be be improving, settling down etc, then all is well and good but if you see no improvement, a worsening of behaviour or your relationship with her, a talk with the counselor is mandatory. If you are not satisfied with the answers you get, then by all means, seek a second opinion. This is not only your right but your responsibility.

Answer provided by David White