I Was Struck By How Anti-depressants Affect Individuals Differently.

Question: I saw a show on TV during the week on teenagers and depression. I was struck by how anti-depressants affect individuals differently. Some were clearly helped and others suffered all the more. There was no explanation of why this is so. Could someone please elaborate a little on what scientific research has been done on the matter? Many thanks.

Answer: Depression is a feeling state that can vary widely in degree, duration and causality. There is a complex multiplicity of possible causes for depression in teenagers, encompassing all manner of psychosocial and developmental struggles that can overwhelm an immature and fragile sense of self. These common problems do not usually respond well to antidepressants but require explorative help within a relationship to identify and resolve the dilemmas causing the depression. On the other hand, there are genetic / familial propensities to develop depression under stress, the depression associated with drug abuse (particularly marihuana and amphetamines), the depression associated with some neurological conditions, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia etc which can and often do respond beneficially to drugs.

Answer provided by David White