I Feel So Heavy And Tired I Can Hardly Move...

Question: For a couple of months I've been having trouble getting out of bed in the morning. I feel so heavy and tired I can hardly move, even though I've had several hours sleep. Some days I drink up to 3 cups of coffee just to get myself off to work. I saw my doctor about it but tests were clear. I can't think of any reason why I would be depressed but it has been suggested to me that this might be the problem. If this was the case, wouldn't I be experiencing other symptoms as well?

Answer: Yes, you probably would be experiencing other symptoms of depression other than this extreme tiredness. Eg: Difficulty in getting to sleep and or early waking. Loss of appetite. generally decreased pleasure in life, company and relationships. Irritability, loss of concentration, decreased performance ability, perhaps anxiety and rumination. Sleep apnea is a possibility. I would explore all physical possibilities before acccepting the diagnosis of depression on this symptom alone.

Answer provided by David White, Psychotherapist