For How Long Does It Get Worse Before Things Get Better?

Question: One of my younger sisters has been depressed off and on for many years, she also has a drinking problem. She started counselling 5 weeks ago. I'm worried because instead of getting better, she is experiencing higher than usual anxiety and regressing back to a child like state. I spoke to her counsellor by phone and she said that it is not uncommon for symptoms to intensify when working on emotionally charged issues. I'm not the type of person to worry needlessly, but it would be reassuring if you could confirm that what I was told is true, and if so, for how long does it get worse before things get better? It's not that I don't have confidence in counselling - I was instrumental in persuading her to go, so I feel responsible indirectly for the outcome.

Answer: I understand your anxiety about your sister's apparent deterioration. However, what the counsellor said is often the case. The anxiety and regression could well be the result of beginning to work through issues that led to the depression and the excessive drinking in the first place. I suggest you keep an eye on her drinking without being a policeman and offer her support when you can or when she asks for it. If you feel it's going on for too long, or getting out of hand, recontact the counsellor. Although there are no hard and fast rules about this, I personally would consider it to be of concern, if the situation were to continue for more than three to four months unabated or worsening.

Answer provided by David White, Psychotherapist